Kyle Henris Review – Options Day Trading Coach

Kyle Henris Review – Options Day Trading Coach

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Thanks for checking out my Kyle Henris review!

I first came across Kyle around August of 2021 through a facebook ad that had popped up on my feed. The ad was specifically for a low cost (under $50) 5 day Elite Investor challenge.

At the time the price seemed very reasonable, and as a complete beginner it was definitely worth the money learning the possibilities of what trading could provide myself.

After going through the mini course I was convinced that Kyle knew what he was doing and would teach me how to become a profitable trader. I mean after all debit spreads were his favorite trading strategy for growing a small account. He even said he took 3k to 1.4 million using the debit spread strategy.

Obviously based on these numbers alone I wanted to learn more. In the long run I ended up signing up for Kyle’s mastermind coaching program.

So I’ll be sharing a little bit regarding my journey with the coaching program and hope you find this review helpful in making a decision on whether joining one of his programs is right for you!

Thanks again for reading, and I’d definitely appreciate hearing your thoughts or any experience you’ve had with Kyle in the comments below this article.

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You can also watch a full interview with Nathan Bear discussing the Profit Surge Trader system here.


Investing Wizard Who Turned $37K Into $2.7M in Just 4 Years Makes His Next Big Move

                                                             GainzAlgo Review

He started from nothing and became a multimillionaire…

He’s now one of the most sought-after trading experts…

Yet he operates 858 miles from Wall Street.

And now, he’s revealing his #1 favorite strategy that targets MASSIVE weekly profits with just one stock ticker.









Kyle Henris Review - Options Day Trading Coach


Bullseye Trades: Best Alerts Service


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Every Monday at the market open, Jeff sends you his weekly Bullseye Trade.

2022 has been AMAZING for these Bullseye Trades!

(+50% to 300% per week in my experience)

Click here to learn more!


Kyle Henris Review: Who is Kyle Henris?

Kyle Henris has been involved in the options trading industry as a coach for around 2 years. Before this though he was a certified financial planner, so he at least knew a little bit about stock trading before he became a full-time coach online.


Kyle also recently started his own hedge fund that allows people to “give” him money to trade with. These people are then able to share in the gains or losses based on how the hedge fund performs. Of course, there is a lot more to a hedge fund but that’s the basics of how it works.


Kyle Henris Review - Options Day Trading Coach


His main method of generating profits though is through being a CEO of his own options coaching program. The name has changed I believe 3 times in the past 1.5 years or so, but the current name of his company is Next Door Trader.


Limited Time Deal to Purchase Nate Bear’s Profit Surge Trader ASAP HERE

You can also watch a full interview with Nathan Bear discussing the Profit Surge Trader system here.


Investing Wizard Who Turned $37K Into $2.7M in Just 4 Years Makes His Next Big Move

                                                             GainzAlgo Review

He started from nothing and became a multimillionaire…

He’s now one of the most sought-after trading experts…

Yet he operates 858 miles from Wall Street.

And now, he’s revealing his #1 favorite strategy that targets MASSIVE weekly profits with just one stock ticker.






Henris believes that you don’t have to wait until retirement to start gaining financial freedom. Which I truly believe to be the case.


However, his lack of transparency has raised some red flags and ultimately ended up leading me to stop utilizing the Done with You Wealth strategies.


One thing I did learn though was that having discipline when trading is one of the most important aspects of trading successfully.


What was Done with You Wealth?

Done with You Wealth was a coaching program that taught multiple strategies to either grow a small account or to generate income off larger accounts.


As previously mentioned the strategies included debit spreads, but also taught credit spreads, how to identify long term buy and hold, and investing in crypto.


There were multiple tiers of membership options of course, but I’m here to talk specifically about the Elite Investor Mastermind that I paid $2,400 for.


What was Done with You Wealth Mastermind?

The Elite Investor Mastermind inside of Done with You Wealth was built to provide group support in addition to 1 on 1 structured coaching sessions.


As part of the Mastermind program, I was also supposed to receive trade alerts so I could follow along with exactly what Kyle was doing. Plus lifetime access to the training portal for all the strategies that Kyle taught.


Another thing that was implied was that there would be weekly group Zoom sessions that would explain in depth the analysis behind the trade alerts, and why he chose to get into a trade.


I thought this would be an excellent opportunity to learn from an options coaching service out there that truly seemed legit.


My Experience with Kyle Henris…

While I learned some valuable information utilizing the training portal that was provided, including how to simply place the trades. My experience with Kyle wasn’t great.

When it came to the 1 on 1 coaching, I was of the understanding that it was just going to be Kyle and I doing video calls to see where I’m at with the training and help hone my debit spread trading skills. After all his sales pitch on how debit spreads were great are what got me hooked…


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Stock Alerts Reviewed YouTube Channel: JOIN HERE






Bullseye Trades: Best Alerts Service


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Every Monday at the market open, Jeff sends you his weekly Bullseye Trade.

2022 has been AMAZING for these Bullseye Trades!

(+50% to 300% per week in my experience)

Click here to learn more!


Limited Time Deal to Purchase Nate Bear’s Profit Surge Trader ASAP HERE

You can also watch a full interview with Nathan Bear discussing the Profit Surge Trader system here.


Investing Wizard Who Turned $37K Into $2.7M in Just 4 Years Makes His Next Big Move

                                                             GainzAlgo Review

He started from nothing and became a multimillionaire…

He’s now one of the most sought-after trading experts…

Yet he operates 858 miles from Wall Street.

And now, he’s revealing his #1 favorite strategy that targets MASSIVE weekly profits with just one stock ticker.








How the Mastermind worked!

While the coaching wasn’t what I was expecting considering that it was done through Discord DM rather than what I consider to be 1 on 1, and the fact that it had 2 coaches. I figured I’d still give it a chance.

The first month of the Mastermind program the coaches and I had regular communication. Even if I was slow on completing the “homework” the coaches would always get back to me in a timely manner.

The real issues came after about a month in the program. In the middle of March the trading Alerts stopped for the most part.

In the meantime, the “coaches” were still trying to get Mastermind students to do the homework of identifying trading patterns on stocks and crypto.

At this point I started to really question the whole program. I mean if Kyle is teaching me, why isn’t he using the same strategies himself? And why did the alerts stop if he truly believed in the strategies he was teaching?

The answer to this came in April. My best guess is that Kyle was also losing money on the strategies he was teaching.

They started scrapping the original trading strategies and removed the channels regarding the alerts.

And on the coaching side, they started trying to teach me their “new best growth” strategy which was simply day trading options identifying when to buy and sell options on a daily chart. Day trading was not what I signed up for!

At this point I decided to throw in the towel and count the $2,400 as a lesson learned.


Was I able to make any money using Kyle’s Strategies?

As I had been in the Mastermind for around one month, I was lucky in the fact that I didn’t really lose a lot of money. The few debit spread trades I did place based on the training, and a few that I followed based on Kyle’s recommendations were losers. Total losses though were via trading were under $1,000.

That’s of course in addition to the $2,400 I paid.

It’s safe to say that while I lost A LOT of money. It could have been way worse.

I guess what frustrated me above all is that I straight up told Kyle, and his brother Ryan Henris that I was not happy and they didn’t offer even a partial refund.


Kyle Henris Review: Final Thoughts

In just a few months after joining the Mastermind program I quickly realized that I had made a mistake, and a little less than a year later I still feel the same.

I spent my hard earned money on the Elite Investor Mastermind to learn trading strategies that Kyle himself doesn’t even believe in.

Considering that Kyle never mentions his favorite strategy “debit spreads” and has switched to a Day Trading Strategy where all you do is buy put or call options on SPY/SPX.

In my opinion this really points to the idea that Kyle is more interested in making money through selling his coaching course, and not thru the use of the strategies he coaches people on.

I hope this Kyle Henris review gives you a good idea of who Kyle Henris is, and whether you should consider him as an options trading coach.

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Stock Alerts Reviewed YouTube Channel: JOIN HERE





Kyle Henris Reviewed


Bullseye Trades: Best Alerts Service


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Every Monday at the market open, Jeff sends you his weekly Bullseye Trade.

2022 has been AMAZING for these Bullseye Trades!

(+50% to 300% per week in my experience)

Click here to learn more!


Limited Time Deal to Purchase Nate Bear’s Profit Surge Trader ASAP HERE

You can also watch a full interview with Nathan Bear discussing the Profit Surge Trader system here.


Investing Wizard Who Turned $37K Into $2.7M in Just 4 Years Makes His Next Big Move

                                                             GainzAlgo Review

He started from nothing and became a multimillionaire…

He’s now one of the most sought-after trading experts…

Yet he operates 858 miles from Wall Street.

And now, he’s revealing his #1 favorite strategy that targets MASSIVE weekly profits with just one stock ticker.








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Kyle Henris Review – Options Day Trading Coach

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